They have collaborated with the best influencers on Favikon

Over 10M influencers just for you πŸ₯°

900care orange logo
lyf pay logo
monking me logo
don't call me jennyfer logo
fazup logo
Save time

Influencer analysis has never been so powerfulπŸ’‘

Don't miss any more data on your partnerships!

Favikon influencer marketing platform, influencer audit

Find the best influencers!

Thank's to Favikon's giant database, search over 8M influencers to find content creators who share the same values as you.

purple yellow pink 3D graphic

Select profitable influencers

The many criteria for evaluating influencers' content allow you to select the content creators with whom you will have the best profitability. Objective: boost your sales!

Favikon influencer marketing platform, influencer audit
influencer marketing platform
pink 3D bubble

Observe the market and trendy products

To triumph also means to follow the trends! Thanks to the Favikon Watcher, you can follow all the influencer in your industry and track the products and brands they work with.

Follow the results of your collaborations

Have you already found and contacted the best influencers on the platform? Then all that's left to do is complete the Campaigns feature, and we'll follow and analyze all the posts of your influencers live!

influencer marketing platform

Ready to get started?

Our team is here to help.