AI-Powered Creator Discovery

Discover +10 Million creators across +600 AI-powered niches

Our advanced AI-driven discovery feature enables you to find creators across more than 600 specialized niches effortlessly.

Use +15 filters any keyword to find any creator you want - all social medias and all industries are covered.

Explore in-depth profiles of creators to understand their social media influence and popularity. Our tool provides detailed historical data, including past performances and posts, offering a comprehensive view of each creator's journey and impact.

Extensive Niche Coverage

Whether you're looking for creators in popular categories like fashion and tech or more niche areas like vintage book collecting or sustainable gardening, this system has it covered. This extensive coverage ensures that no matter how specific your requirements are, you can find creators who perfectly match your brand's needs.

AI-Powered Precision and Relevance

The combination of AI efficiency and detailed categorizations dramatically reduces the time and effort required to find the right creators. Instead of manually searching through social media platforms and analyzing countless profiles, you can rely on this feature to quickly present you with a curated list of suitable candidates.

Full Social Coverage

Known as the 'Wikipedia of Creators,' we provide AI-generated descriptions that serve as your ultimate guide to understanding creators' roles in today's digital ecosystem. Get in-depth insights and context that empower you to navigate the complex social media landscape with ease and expertise.

Unique Badges Categorizations

To further refine the discovery process, the system employs unique badges categorizations. These badges might represent specific skills, achievements, or areas of expertise, topics or causes, adding an additional layer of detail to each creator's profile. Niche categorizations allow for easy sorting and comparison, making it simple to navigate through a diverse pool of talent.

Performance insights

Discover the true performance of influencers with in-depth insights. Dive into detailed analytics covering engagement rates, follower growth, and other vital statistics. Access and retrieve content from creators across various social media platforms effortlessly. Our 'Tagged' feature offers an added layer of insight, revealing who's tagging the creator, providing a richer context and deeper understanding of their social media influence."

Custom AI-powered profiles

Because we don't want to let you down, you can add any profile you want onto the platform. Yes, including your uncle Joe. And guess what? It will be AI-generated too!

Are you ready to find best creators for your brand?

Join over +10K agencies, startups & entrepreneurs that integrated creators into their growth strategy with Favikon


Feel free to send us a message in the chatbot if you have any questions, need assistance, or simply want to share your feedback. We're here to help and always eager to hear from you!

Why Favikon?

Fed up with unreliable rankings, we're driven by a passion for authenticity and the clarity that only datas can provide. Our mission? To shine a spotlight on quality creators, ensuring they get the recognition they deserve in a landscape often clouded by inaccuracy. We're all about celebrating genuine talent and bringing transparency to the forefront.

Favikon is NOT an agency. We provide you with AI-powered data features through our platform to empower you with insightful analytics and tools, enabling you to make smarter, data-driven decisions for your influencer marketing strategies. This approach puts the power directly in your hands, ensuring precision and effectiveness in every campaign.

Are creators registered on the platform?

Favikon offers a comprehensive global directory of relevant creators, ensuring you'll always find the ideal match for your unique needs. We move beyond the typical influencer marketplace format, as we believe in maintaining the authenticity and personalized essence of creator marketing, rather than turning it into a mere industrial process. With Favikon, it's about quality connections, not just quantity.

How do you calculate influence scores?

We've worked with a data scientist for 2 years to ensure the rankings are scientifically viable and accurately reflect the true impact and effectiveness of creators, providing you with reliable, data-backed insights for informed decision-making in your marketing strategies. An article detailing the methodology is available on the blog. 

Is Favikon an agency?

Favikon is NOT an agency. We provide you with AI-powered data features through our platform to empower you with insightful analytics and tools, enabling you to make smarter, data-driven decisions for your influencer marketing strategies. This approach puts the power directly in your hands, ensuring precision and effectiveness in every campaign.

Do you have any affiliate or referral program? 

Yes, check out the website footer! We offer up to 25% commission for any referral on our platform.