Social Media

11 Social Media Content Ideas for Collaborations

Which partnership should i choose for my social media campaign?🤔 This article will help you answer that question ✨

February 3, 2021
Roxane Aguilar

Work with influencers to create better content on social media

Okay, so you found the perfect influencers for your brand, you've created a list of the perfect combination of influencers who will participate in your influencer campaign. Great! You've finished the searching part, but you still need to plan a few more details for your collaborations. Now on to the most important step, what to do with them? 😟

Search: Check ✅

List of influencers: Check ✅

You should already have defined your brand's needs and objectives for this campaign, as it is necessary to take them into account when choosing your influencers. But that's not the only reason you should have clear goals in mind, as they will also define the type of partnership you'll be planning.

Is your brand aiming for visibility, engagement, a boost in sales? Depending on these options, you'll be planning different types of content on social media for your influencer campaign! Out of ideas? Is this the first time you've done this? No worries, this article will give you all the possibilities of partnerships you can do with your influencers. 🔥 There are SO many different types of social media content for influencer collabs, we will focus on the most common and effective ones. So the real question you should ask yourself is:

Which partnership should I choose for my social media campaign?🤔 This article will help you answer that question ✨

1. Promotional code

A small coupon code which allows the influencer's community to take advantage of an unprecedented discount and for the brand to track the number of people reached by this campaign. In return, the influencer receives a commission for each sale he generates with his code.

2. Product testing

Simple but effective, this method consists in sending the influencer a product they need to test in exchange for a post on their blog or social networks. The objective? They introduce your brand and give their opinion on your product or service. Be careful, though, because the risk still exists that the product may not please them, in which case you can't force them to say good things about it.

3. Sponsored content

‍Sponsored content is a very commonly used format for influencer collabs. The idea is to simply pay the influencer to talk about you, showcase your product and mention your brand in any kind of post format. You will be able to plan and prepare the speech they share with their audience to ensure good publicity! Moreover, most social networks have a setting to activate "sponsored content" so that "sponsored" appears on a post to accentuate the commercial side.

4. Giveaways

Planning giveaways is by far the best method if you want to boost your number of followers real quick. Your brand can hand out many gifts through the influencer's account with a free giveaway. To participate, you ask users to follow your brand's account, like and comment the post, identify their friends in the comments, and share the post in their story! In terms of visibility, you can't do better! This kind of collab creates fast visibility thus, it is advisable to plan a giveaway for special events such as valentine's day, mother's day, etc.

5. Gift‍

An easy technique to gain visibility: send a free product to the influencer! It's a very appreciated method, especially if you aim right and they like the product they received. Don't forget to contact them to let them know beforehand. This option creates a good relationship with the influencer, which can also be advantageous if you wish to work with them for future collaborations!

However, don't be too surprised if this method isn't always successful. Indeed, the influencer may not like what you send them or simply don't feel like it's relevant to talk about it on their account.

6. Affiliation

Affiliation consists of proposing to the influencer to promote your product/service and paying them a commission for each sale they generate. Affiliates are paid expert profiles that share their insight and experience with your product with their community. It creates a kind of word-of-mouth effect where they choose the brands they want to work with as their reviews build their image and reputation. (Thus, it is most likely that your target audience is part of their audience and other experts watch their content too).

7. Ambassador program

Like an affiliate, the ambassador will receive a commission on the sales they generate. However, the ambassador has a larger community (macro-influencer) and is already a loyal customer of your brand (a bit like a privileged fan who will receive exclusive products, will be invited to your events to talk about your brand to their network).

8. Event

It is very simple: invite influencers to an event that your brand is organizing! The goal is to create a privileged relationship with the influencer. If the event is aesthetically pleasing (photo booth, activities...), you can be sure to get a story or even a post! So be creative, you have everything to gain. Also, an important thing: don't forget to tease your event.

9. Co-marketing

Co-marketing consists of partnering with an influencer to create a marketing campaign. In co-marketing, you both advertise your partnership so that each partner's audience knows the profile or brands of the other partner. You both encourage your audience to check out what the other partner is doing and participate in the campaign.

10. Co-branding

Co-branding involves partnering with an influencer to create a product that integrates the knowledge and expertise of both parties involved. In other words, you make an exclusive range that combines your two points of view. The objectives of co-branding are to have a win-win situation and create a product or service that you can promote together.

11. Challenge

On Instagram and Tiktok, challenges are going wild! Offer the influencer to do a fun challenge, a dance, a concept that people will want to follow and guaranteed success! Don't forget the hashtag, it will be used to evaluate your campaign's commitment.

Why should your brand also create content on social media?

Now that you know which social media content options you have for your influencer campaign, let's not forget that your own brand should also create content on social networks. Working with influencers can lead to great results, but they are limited if your own brand doesn't have an account. Influencers need to tag your brand, mention your products, and your values in their posts. Thus every time a user will be interested in the collab and have a look at your account, your content must be professional.

Creating content will show social networks your brand is active on the platform, giving you a push of visibility and engagement. Moreover, it is also helpful to create a strong bond with your existing community by sharing new content from time to time. Finally, creating brand content is a great way to build a positive brand image. You can use all resources you have and want to create a professional feed that aligns with the values you look to convey and the image you want to give.

We hope this article was helpful! If you want more tips and best practices within the influencer marketing world, check out our blog!

About the author

Roxane Aguilar

From the Rolling Stones to the Palmashow, our Head of content knows her classics. 🤩 Always has the word for laugh, Roxane is above all a mind of steel and an overflowing imagination. 🔥 Legend has it that rarely has one seen such a dedicated editor! Far from being an early riser, she'll be writing her best articles starting at 10:13 am. Stay tuned ... 👩💻 #Creative #ESSECbba

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