Favikon Software

How to do LinkedIn Profile Analysis?

Learn how to analyze your LinkedIn Profile using AI tools.

December 6, 2022
Chloé Le Puil

Everything you have to know about LinkedIn Analytics

If you weren't already aware, LinkedIn has been a fairly popular social network for some time. But in the last couple of years, the platform has evolved a lot and has settled as a reference among social media. This development suggests that the platform will play an increasingly important role in digital marketing strategy, especially in influencer marketing. With this in mind, it is important to know how to analyze your LinkedIn data to be able to improve your statistics! To help you do that, we’ve gathered all the important information in this article.

A tool to have all your data

There's a quick and easy way to get all your LinkedIn data using a great tool we recently developed. The good news is, it's free and easy to use! Our tool is a Chrome extension called Creator Rating. If you haven't heard of it, let us introduce it to you.

The Creator Rating Extension was created to help young creators on LinkedIn to progress and grow their business. With this extension you can discover every metric you need: engagement rate, discussion rate, buzz rate… and even your own Favikon Score and ranking! This allows to any creator following up their results and improving on the platform. 🌈

How to install the extension?

As we’ve said before, this extension is quick and easy to use... Exactly like its installation. But to make sure everything goes well, we have prepared some instructions for you. 👇

Here is a guide to install the extension step by step:

  1. Go to Chrome Webstore
  2. Install our Creator Rating extension;
  3. Go to your LinkedIn profile;
  4. Click on the Favikon logo on the right;
  5. Start the scan!

And… VOILA! You’re ready to discover your own Favikon Score!✨

How to analyze your LinkedIn performances

Although tools exist to know your data, it is still important that you know how to understand every metric. This will allow you to improve and observe your progress. Pay attention, what will follow is very important! 🙌

Visibility on LinkedIn

Visibility on LinkedIn is a key point of success on the platform. The more visibility you have, the more people you reach and the more buzz you can create. ⚡️

Impressions 👁️

Your impressions corresponds to the number of people who have seen your post. That doesn't mean they’ve engaged with it, just that they came across it in their feed. The more impressions you have, the more visibility you get.

Visitor highlight 👤

Visitor highlight is is a tab that you can find in your LinkedIn analytics. This represents the number of account which have come to your LinkedIn page. This means that either people searched for your account directly on the platform, or someone came across one of your posts or a post with a mention of your company in their feed and clicked on your profile.

Generate engagement on LinkedIn

Having visibility is great, but creating engagement is even better! Engagement is another key to success on LinkedIn. Knowing how to engage your community means succeeding in finding the subjects that interest your audience. This demonstrates great creativity and constant renewal in your content. 🌟

Reactions 👍

They are the number of people who reacted to your post with a like. Reactions is the easiest type of engagement to get. Indeed, it does not require much time or thought from the user. Because of this, they can be rather simple to obtain. However, it still demonstrates that your audience is interested in your content and it is one of the first step for success on the platform.

Comments 💬

They are a less easy type of engagement to get. Unlike a reaction, a comment requires more thought, time and effort. Having a lot of comments means a strong engagement from your audience and it gives a lot of visibility to your posts. It also shows that you were able to create a captivating and interesting content for your audience.

Reposts 👥

This is another less easy type of engagement to get. When someone repost one of your posts, it means that your content will end up on their page. Having reposts shows that your audience appreciates your content so much, that they want to share it with their own LinkedIn network. Once again, this demonstrates a strong commitment from your audience and this will allow your content and your page to gain even more visibility.

Engagement rate 🖤

It is a key performance indicator that measures the level of engagement of LinkedIn users with content. It defines their degree of interaction with one of your posts. The calculation of the engagement rate is done by dividing the total number of interactions relating to a publication, by the number of individuals exposed to it. A high engagement rate means great results. Thus, the engagement rate is a key indicator of success on LinkedIn.

Discussion rate 🗣️

It is another key performance indicator that measures users engagement from comments left under posts. It compares the number of comments compared to the total engagement. This allows to observe the ability to generate a discussion in the comments. And it shows the capacity of providing intriguing content that appeal to an audience.

Create buzz on LinkedIn

Having visibility and engagement on LinkedIn are very good indicators of success. The more you have good results, the more you buzz. And we know that buzzing on LinkedIn is a great sign of success. But since "making the buzz" is a rather subjective notion, we’ve created key notions to determine what type of creator you are. 💥

Buzz rate 🚀

If you have a high buzz rate, you have a buzzing profile and you make a lot of posts that get more than 500 likes. This shows that you succeed in creating interesting content and you know how to involve your audience by creating engagement. Users want to engage with your posts and they have become a loyal audience over time.

Hype rate 🔥

When you have a hype profile, it means that you are very constant in terms of engagement. You create good content and your audience is engaged on a daily basis. You don't need to make a big buzz once because you make several buzzes quite regularly.

Flop rate 🥶

Well, as you can imagine, having a profile that flop is not very good news... Your profile flop when you make many posts that have very little engagement. The more posts you make that flop, the higher is going to be your flop rate.

LinkedIn is a network with a lot of future and analyzing its performance becomes essential to progress. Now that you have all the tools to succeed, it's up to you! 😉

About the author

Chloé Le Puil

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