
How to choose the right hashtags?

Hashtags are essential to communicate on social networks they can be a real game changer! But be careful how you use them, it can be tricky! We explain everything with our hashtags bible 🤩

July 6, 2021
Nina Lipzyc
We know the power of hashtags, but as the saying goes, "with great power comes great responsibility."

Well ok I may be a bit dramatic, but when you've made yourself in the middle of social networks, you understand pretty quickly the mechanism of what to do or not to do!

The Favikon team then offers you in a very special exclusive the ultimate guide, what shall I say, the BIBLE of the hashtag, which will tell you all the regulations to follow to be the boss of social networks. 😎

Pick up and learn, it's free:

1. Thou shalt not spam ❌

Too many hashtags kills the hashtag, it's well known. So follow this golden rule to the letter: No more than 10 hashtags!

Already it doesn't look very professional, and then above all it's completely useless: the Instagram algorithm doesn't like it and you won't be referenced better.

I would rather recommend 5 hastags for Instagram and 3 hashtags for TikTok (too much text on your TikTok/Reels might hide your video!)

2. Your partnerships thou shalt mention 💰

We can't say it enough, but mentioning your partnerships is a MUST

Whether in the USA with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) or in France with ARPP (Autorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité), not declaring your collaborations on social networks is illegal!

A simple #ad or #sponsored is enough ;)

3. Smartly your hashtags thou shalt use 🤓

To carry out your campaign, choosing the right hashtag can be decisive: it will boost your visibility and make you stand out from the crowd ✨
Prioritize quality over quantity, always: better 4 relevant hashtags than 10 badly targeted to your audience.

It is important to differentiate 2 types of hashtags:

Targeted hashtags:

To properly target your #, a good SEO watch is required!

For example, you are a brand of sports accessories, look at the posts of influencers in your sector and observe which hashtags are more frequently used: #nopainnogain #morningtraining

The Favikon tool also allows you to know the 3 most used hashtags by each influencer!

What is interesting with this type of hashtags is that you will be able to target your niche much more efficiently.

Basic hashtags:

Basic hashtags like #ForYouPage on TikTok or #instagood on Instagram are effective for SEO, but there's no need to overuse them: it's 2 BIG MAX 🤗

4. Your own hashtags thou shalt invent 🤔

For your influencer campaigns, it's very important to create your own hashtag to be able to track all the people who participated in your contest or challenge.

The recipe is simple, you want a hashtag:
- Relevant: it must be easy to understand what it is about (mention your brand, "challenge", "contest"...)
- Not too long if possible
- That it sounds good

Here are some examples:

For each post you'll renew yourself ♻️

And since in this business we don't like copying and pasting, it seems obvious that you will have to renew your #collection regularly! It's good for your SEO because the IG and TikTok algorithm likes diversity!

Last tip: we give you some tools to find, analyze the # here is our selection AllHastag, HashTag Inspector, Ubersuggests

That's it! Now you have all the cards in hand and all the secrets to know about the # It's up to you now if you are going to follow our Bible of success!

About the author

Nina Lipzyc

A bit reserved at the first glance, the mysterious Nina hides a lot of energy and creativity! Her passions vary between shopping, nightclubs and animals, but sadly the current situation has anchored her at home, to spend time with her lovely cats 😺. She spends a lot of time on TikTok and Instagram, scouting for the latest trends in fashion 🛍💁 Communication is what she'll bring to the table at Favikon, so make sure to follow us to not miss out on Nina's latest posts! #supdepub #fashionista #communication

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